About the Authoress

Hello there.

I am an interior designer by education, a librarian by trade, and a historian at heart. Born into a bi-cultural family and profoundly hearing impaired, I had ample time to myself. To keep preoccupied, I lost myself in books; history books, to be specific. While other girls dreamed of being a Princess, I found the role too restricting and arduous. I wanted to be a Lady, darn it! I can solemnly attest reading Pleasant Company’s Meet Samantha: An American Girl at the tender age of seven began my lifelong love affair with the 19th century. Sometimes, I am wistful for days gone by, but I am so grateful to be living now.

19th Century Modern is a reflection of adoration. Extending from the Regency era to the Edwardian, I hope to inform and entertain on a myriad of historical issues and how it translates to present day. Naturally, as notable events arise in my own life, I will share them with a “historically modern” twist. Images from my childhood, my family, friends, and my pansy of a dog named Beaux will surface from time to time. So welcome and do make yourself at home.

If you wish to contact me, you may do so. On 19th Century Modern, I go by “Doyenne”, but I am a real person with real feelings, just like you. I would love to hear any questions or ideas you may have. My email address is doyenne19cm@gmail.com


16 thoughts on “About the Authoress”

  1. I think you and I have something in common. We were each born in the wrong era. You were supposed to be born in the 19th century, I was meant to be born in the WW2 era. Ah, what can ye do? In any case, I find your blogs are quite fascinating and enjoy reading them! 🙂

  2. genericmum said:

    Hello, I’ve just stumbled across your lovely blog. I’m always excited to find nice people with interests similar to mine. Would you like to take a look at my new blog? I can’t ask you to tea….


  3. Hey! I’ve always enjoyed your blog, so I wanted you to know that I recognized you with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can get all of the info here:

    • Yaay! –Erm . . . I mean, “Why, thank you! I am most pleased.” I have just returned from my summer sojourn where I unplugged for a while. I will address this on Wednesday. Again, thank you so much for reading 19th Century Modern.

  4. quaeroderosh said:

    Hello, Lady M. My sister and I have just recently commenced the writing of a blog dealing strongly with the Victorian Era. Being that we just started, I would not ask for advertisement on your page, however, I would ask that you check the page out (http://victorianlibrary.wordpress.com/) (the about page explains it all) and consider following it. Thank you for your wonderful and entertaining posts!

  5. I am in love with your blog! So clever and well written. Thank you for the show.

    • Why thank you Lady Catherine! I do try and I apologize upfront for gross misspellings (Even after proof-reading); it is the Deaf-side of me. Pesky word endings.

  6. Wonderful blog you have here! 🙂 Thought you might be interested in my short film Death Is No Bad Friend about Robert Louis and Fanny Stevenson in San Francisco: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/death-is-no-bad-friend/x/1089930 Best regards, G. E

  7. Would it be possible to pick your brain a little on the attire worn by both sexes around the time of 1850? What it felt like, how it moved.. things such as that. I’m attempting to gather what information I can for a project I’m working on.

    • Dear Moonlight Dancer,
      I have a sinking feeling this response is too little too late. I am by no means an expert on Victorian fashion, but I do know wool and tweed were worn pretty much all year in England. There was a huge fear of “chills” so they were content with “sweats,” I suppose. Such “bottom fabric”/as it is often called now due to its heaviness and durability, were a bit on the stiff side and rather structured in their created shapes/forms. Of course, women wore silks, satins, and other “delicate” materials, but again shape reigned supreme over movement. Clothes were a status symbol, comfort was not the main goal. Did that help at all? Or are you looking for something more specific?

      • Yes this has helped, and it is not to late. 🙂 I’m still gathering information where I can. While I don’t want to sound like a textbook in my project, I do want it to feel “right”. Authentic and real is what I’m going for, if that makes sense.
        I find that when I ask people who have a passion for something they usually are just as knowledgeable as, and sometimes more than, the experts.
        Thank you for this information and if you think of anything else please let me know 🙂

  8. Anyone with a Gibson Girl icon must be commended to me.

    So glad to have discovered this blog and for the many tours already taken!

    • Dear Ms. Aubrey,
      Why thank you! It is most amusing to me you commented on my Gibson Girl, since I have been toying with the idea of changing it to a photograph of my own face (albeit, in some costumed form or other. Maybe a modern-day Gibson Girl!) I am glad you enjoy my site, I hope to be able to provide hours of random of enjoyment.
      From Another Gibson Fan,
      Lady M

  9. I came upon your blog by pure happenstance. Intrigued, I began to read…for hours. I am not an individual who normally looks twice upon a blog site, being that there are literally millions of them on the Internet. However, as I stated, I was intrigued by yours. I am uncertain what it was that initially caught my attention. Perhaps, and most likely, it was the gloss nostalgic. At any rate, I am enjoying it very much. Thank you for sharing yourself and your talent through such eloquently stated words, you have acquired a new follower of your writings.

    • Dear Mr. Hodges,

      My goodness! Thank you for such wonderful compliments. You do know how to make a woman blush, I say! With 19th Century Modern, I aim to inform and entertain as always. However, as of late, more and more posts are delving into in the personal aspect of my life and profession. I’m beyond thrilled you’ve chosen to follow my writing. If you have any topics you’re interested in seeing on the blog or burning questions of either professional or personal nature, you may email me. I do love stimulating conversation!
      From the blushing authoress,

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